Your Behaviours & Habits

Many of us start a nutrition plan without really being aware of our initial eating behaviours and patterns. We get hungry, we put food in our mouths, all without really paying it much attention.

Although we’re generally aware of our main problems – “I eat/drink too much, I love sugar, I eat really clean but then binge” - we aren’t typically aware of all the key behaviours necessary to produce lasting change.

Dre Bissonnette holding white board that says start with awareness

Some key questions to ask ourselves include:

1️⃣ How long is the time between my first and last bite of the day?
2️⃣ How consistent are my mealtimes throughout the week?
3️⃣ How long does it take to eat my meals?
4️⃣ How often do I eat in front of a screen?
5️⃣ How big are my portions and/or do I get seconds?
6️⃣ How often do I reach for something sweet or salty?
7️⃣ How often are my meals composed of quality carbs, protein, fat and vegetables?
8️⃣ How much food do I eat in between meals?

By answering these types of questions, it helps us gain awareness.

A lot of us simply start a plan without evaluating where we’re starting from. We encourage you to begin your lifestyle/nutrition plan by first assessing your current behaviours and habits.

Becoming aware of our actions gives us focus and helps prioritize and shape our path to success.

The first step to change is self-awareness.

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

Need help with movement or exercise? Contact us to book your free Functional Movement Screen and Personal Training Consultation. We’d be happy to help.


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