Poor Sleep Makes Pain Symptoms Worse

female-awake in bed with eye mask on forehead

Beyond all of the other reasons why sleep is so important, we have to consider what lousy sleep patterns do to pain.

If you’re not getting a quality 7-9 hours of sleep per night, it can result in making your pain symptoms worse. The more pain you feel, the harder it can be to get a good nights sleep. This becomes a cycle.

So what can you do? You can choose to address the pain, sleep, or both.

  • Prioritize sleep. Research has demonstrated that by making a conscious effort to get better sleep results in improved sleep. Who knew, eh? This is also true for people in pain.

  • Resolve the pain. We know that pain can trigger poor sleep and is associated with insomnia. Find a quality practitioner that has a good reputation for helping people resolve their pain.

Some additional tips:

  • Don’t drink caffeine after 12 pm

  • Limit alcohol intake, especially within 2 hours of bedtime

  • Practice relaxation breathing techniques or meditation to calm the nervous system

When people seek out our services for resolving pain, one of the first questions we ask is ‘how are you sleeping?’

You don’t have to live in pain. It will take an honest effort. Just know that there are options out there. 😊

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

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