Straight-Leg Raise

Hip mobility is a high priority for exercise. We use the Active Straight Leg Raise as part of our Functional Movement Screen.

If you’re not able to get your ankle past the knee on the opposite side while keeping that leg down, it means you’re lacking the mobility and/or motor control in the hips/pelvis.

Until this screen is improved, it’s not safe to perform deadlifts, kettlebell swings, certain single leg exercises and any type of running (sorry runners). These types of exercises may be counterproductive in regaining movement pattern integrity, and may actually increase risk of injury 😞

Luckily, it’s not terribly difficult to quickly improve this screen. Once we remove the mobility restrictions, we can teach motor control drills to maintain the new range of motion. As soon as you’re able to get that ankle past the down knee, you can return to your regular lifts and running 😀

In this video, Jeroen demonstrates one of our go-to drills for improving the Active Straight Leg Raise Screen 🤸‍♀️

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

If you need help with movement or exercise, we’ve got you covered. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to book your FREE Functional Movement Screen and Personal Training Consultation. We’d be happy to help.


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