The Step-Up: Common Mistakes

Step-ups may seem like a simple exercise, but they can often be performed incorrectly. When performed incorrectly, you could be straining a part of your body, causing unwanted tension.

Check out our video below where we show you a couple of the most common errors and how to easily correct them.

Why do we like step-ups?

The step-up is a great exercise that can help build lower body strength and hip/core stability. As seen in the above video, you can challenge your body by playing around with the height of the step and the amount of weight/reps. Depending on the height and weight that you choose, it can be a perfect exercise to add to your current routine because of the many different ways that it can be implemented. It builds strength while also helping with your sense of balance and stability.

Most of our human movement patterns are not bilateral in nature. Running would be the prime example. Step ups allow us to load one leg at a time which makes them an excellent choice for runners. As a movement that requires balance and rotary control, it challenges stability of the entire body. These movements transfer wonderfully to developing a poised and powerful gait.

Also consider variations (e.g. dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells) and how it can be paired with other exercises (explosive med ball slams, kettlebell swings or shoulder mobility drills). This exercise could also be used as a warm up before your regular work out routine.

If you’re looking to improve your running posture and performance while staying pain-free, we highly recommend you learn the step-up. Take the time to go through the proper technique along the way.

Contact us for your FREE personal training assessment.


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