Earn Your Exercise Progression

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The internet might be simultaneously the best and worst thing that happened for exercise.

There is a ton of quality information, tips, programs and great coaching. Sadly, this is a very small fraction of what’s out there.

The rest of it is mostly trash.

For example, encouraging untrained people to do high intensity workouts, jump squats and burpees when they have never learned how to do a quality body weight squat. Their knees buckle and their spine collapses during the movement.

But it will help you lose weight!…Maybe. But probably not.

At Oakville Performance & Wellness, we have this concept called earning your progression. It’s really simple. We just coach the appropriate progression of an exercise in a way that meets the client’s current ability level. We ensure they master that variation before loading or choosing more difficult variations.

It usually looks like this:

1️⃣ We coach a body weight squat

2️⃣ We coach loaded squat variations

3️⃣ We coach a jump squat if we feel it’s even necessary (most of the time it’s not)

4️⃣ We don’t bother with burpees because the risk is not worth the reward

Loading up aberrant movement patterns only leads to further dysfunction. This is something our trainers understand. It’s common sense. But you won’t see a lot of it in this fitness industry.

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

Need help with movement or exercise? Contact us to book your free Functional Movement Screen and Personal Training Consultation. We’d be happy to help.


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