Don't Neglect The Single Leg

We love coaching the squat and deadlift but you don’t always need a barbell to get great results.

In fact, we find that single leg exercises actually provide the most benefit to you overall because they challenge the body in all three planes of movement. By using one leg, you are challenging yourself with stability and balance.

Using these drills and transferring them over into your daily activities can make life easier. Whether it’s walking up a set of stairs or being playful with your kids, you’ll find that you feel stronger and that much better.

Some single leg exercises target the posterior hip while others target the quadriceps more. The way you choose to load the body also influences your strength gains. Different load placements turn leg drills into core drills.

These are all things to consider when putting together a solid workout program.

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

Need help with movement or exercise? Contact us to book your free Functional Movement Screen and Personal Training Consultation. We’d be happy to help.


Wellness Goes Far Beyond Exercise

