Breathe Better To Move Better

scientific body illustration with emphasis on diaphragm

You take 22,000 plus breaths per day without even realizing it. Breathing is our only movement pattern at rest or sleep. So what happens if your breathing is dysfunctional (which I guarantee it is)? Well, what would happen if you squatted 22,000 times per day and that movement was dysfunctional? Probably a lot of compensation to get the job done. You get this, right?

Many people don’t realize that the way we breathe has a significant effect on posture and mobility. Many of us have unknowingly (due to stress, illness, injury, etc.) adopted a chest-oriented breathing pattern that pulls our rib cage forward and up, compromising the function of the diaphragm.

If your diaphragm is dysfunctional then pain is not far away.

If you don’t own your breath, your body will compensate by recruiting the chest, neck and upper back muscles to act as prime movers when they are supposed to simply be accessory muscles to the breath.

This is one of the causes of slumped posture that makes the body less efficient for these muscles to perform their primary roles (like pushing, pulling and allowing you to be super strong). If you learn to breathe you can master any movement and say bye-bye to pain.

How can I practice breathing? Click here to learn how to implement breathing drills into your exercise program and daily life.

Move well. Live well.™

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How Can I Practice Breathing: Part 1?


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