Don’t Neglect Heavy Lifting

When it comes to exercise, most people tend to migrate towards metabolic conditioning for fat loss or hypertrophy training for muscle gain. Both of these phases play an important role in development, especially when you utilize both.

While these two phases can bring significant improvements in progress, they will eventually lead to plateaus and decrements.

The one integral part of training that many seem to neglect is a proper strength phase. This would involve lifting 75-95% of 1-rep max. A strength phase typically is low volume — 3-5 sets of 2-5 reps and 3-5 minute rests.

Our goals as trainers:
1️⃣ Prepare our clients enough physically to actually do a strength phase without injury and
2️⃣ Create an environment where they can perform personal bests for all the big lifts

Coming out of a strength phase sling shots our clients past their plateaus and significantly improves their technique when returning to hypertrophy or metabolic conditioning. It can really be a game changer for making significant progress.

*Note: Strength phases must be paired with excellent sleep/recovery and nutrition due to the extra stress on the central nervous system.

Always remember, motion is lotion. We encourage you to Move Well, Live Well™.    

Need help with movement or exercise? Contact us to book your free Functional Movement Screen and Personal Training Consultation. We’d be happy to help.


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